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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

okay, i know you guys must be praying that Friday will never come. because, it's the start of EXAM.
But come on, press on okay, just a few more weeks and it's OVER!!! HAHA!

Even in the midst of exam, let's remember that God is always there even during our examination.
Let's rely on God in our exam and be a salt & light in our class.
Jiayou to all Sec 1 to Sec 3 people and also Teck Shuean, jiayou for your Ns.

Let's continue to pray for each other too! (:

With God, all things are possible!


pen-ned at : 10:42 PM

Monday, September 28, 2009

Today my classmate asked me, "are you very holy?"
I was puzzled, and replied, "no."
Then he said, "do you think you'll go heaven or hell?"
I replied, "heaven. you?"
he replied, "I confirm go hell one."
Then I asked him why.
he replied, "I always scold bad word, scold my parents, scold teacher...(and the lists goes on)"
btw, that guy's a catholic but he says he goes to church just because got buffet -.-"

But why is it that he knows that he will go hell but doesn't want to repent?

Some of us are probably like this as well, maybe not on the outside but deep inside our hearts.

Today God spoke to me in class, "why are you so bitter?"
I thought and thought, I still did not know why.
Then God told me I am the person who made myself feel that way.
I thought and thought, I realised what I've actually done wrong.
Repentance does bring revival.

Because I'm very very very forgetful, then Kah Hoe and Jeremy returned me my wallet in class which I left during recess.

God rocks (:


pen-ned at : 7:55 PM

Friday, September 25, 2009

Revelation 6:9-10 (New International Version)
9When he opened the
fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because
of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10They called out in a
loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the
inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"

Let's continue to persevere in God!

We may have alot alot alot of things popping up here and there but who ever goes against us, goes against God, and God will avenge, just persevere, don't fight back.
God will be our defense, if we defend ourselves, how can God defend for us?

Persevere in SOW, in outreach, in doing cg roles, in your ministry, studies, cca, everything (:

Christ the victory, there's nothing to fear. (:

Don't just be Christian by title, but Christian at heart (:


pen-ned at : 10:23 PM

Thursday, September 24, 2009

random post, but yeh{:

It just somehow touches me when i see people raising up their hands to surrender to God.

Revelations 2:3-5

3You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.
5Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

no link between the raising up hands and the verses tho.
but just concentrade on the Revelations 2:3-5
look, i know that we're getting busy w/ studies, ministry, SOW etcetc.
but, HEY! dont forget Jesus!
yes, you may have endured insults, discriminations for God's name and have not grown tired,
you may be discipling many people, you may be outreaching oftenly etctec.

but, have you been doing these things so often that you've forgotten abt your First Love?
i urge you, take a rest, go to God and refill your lamp w/ Oil.
when you know that you're feeling cui alr, go to God!
ask God to renew your soul!

God doesnt want a follower who is only concern for his/her ministries and doesnt care abt Him.
yes, you may say, "Ministry what, i am serving God."
Ministry, you'll get tired too.
and once you get tired, you may not think of going to God and asking for strength.
but you'll start to use your OWN strength.
and soon, you'll become emotionally, physically and spiritually weak&&tired.

working for God and loving God, there IS a difference.
dont let working for God take over your love for God.

like it said in Revelations 2:5;

Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

repent okay!
dont keep on dragging it.

it doesnt takes more than sincerity and a few words to repent for your sins.
what is so difficult?

shall end here{:

pen-ned at : 11:00 PM

Today I had history test, then I forgot the format on how to answer.
I panicked, 5 minutes have passed and I was still half way writing the first question...
Then I prayed and chiong chiong chiong, then in 3 minutes I finished also the next question!
Which was how similiar are the sources B & C. (which is super long -.-)

And just now Si Chen and I were outreaching, we saw this Northbrooks girl.
This was how the scene went:
(Si Chen and I walks to the Northbrooks girl)
(girl stares at us)
Si Chen: (about to start asking)
(girl peeps into the forms)
girl: this survey form is Church thing one right?
Si Chen: er....yah
(girl prepares her pen and stretches her hand out for the form)
girl: okay, I do before but I want to do again

Oh my gosh! First time I hear people say they WANT to do it before people even ask!
God really blessed us (:

And God showed me this verse in my QT:

Ephesians 6:9 (New International Version)
9And masters, treat
your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is
both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with


pen-ned at : 9:07 PM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

i know that our EXAMS are COMING!My english starts next friday.It come to this point where what we studied for the whole year are being tested and i know most of us forget some of the topic/stuff that the teacher have taught us for the pass few months.hahas.Now is the time to start depending and praying to God.God is always there to help us.Including exams but we must take time to do revision cant expect God to give you answers right?If yes then WAKE UP if not u gonna fail.If no then u know what to do hehe.Let us be the one who shine for Jesus!We will be the one who tell others that even as we serve God we also can get A1.JY to everyone and more to those who are having streaming,Os and Ns.GOGOGO pray pray pray study study study.All the best

studying with you

pen-ned at : 11:55 PM

Today God spoke to me during my QT.
During the past few days I've been reminded by the Holy Spirit and things around me this:

God showed me this verse:

Galatians 6:9 (New International Version)
9Let us not become weary in
doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Jiayou in outreach, sow and all that you're doing for God (:
God will surely bless us as long as we give our best and depend on Him.
And not to complain when doing God's Work, we should it with JOY! :DDD


pen-ned at : 10:20 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

just now I was on stomp then I saw a creepy photo
I got really scared and started to pray like crazy
God threw me alot of verses and reminded me of this

Who is the heir of God?

Who is trying to steal our inheritance away from us?

if God overpowers satan, what about us?

it's our birthright satan's trying to hide from us, so that he may bring us back into his slavery

if satan can't do anything without God's permission,
satan can't even lay a finger on us!
so who are we to be afraid?
who are we to even for 1 second deny our birthright?
there's a reason why North B is called North B CIP, not CP, our identity, is part of our birthright package.

We are the heir!
Our inheritance is ours, not for anyone to steal!
Our inheritance, guard it well.


pen-ned at : 10:46 PM

I was freaked out when i saw this in my first sermon book.
it was what God had spoken to me during a prayer meet was i was sec one.
I got blown away by what I wrote.

Yesterday during prayer meet, God told me something but I don't dare to

This word call "GENERATION".

Why do God tell me this thing?
Then God asked me, "Do you think that you are still very young?"

2 months later, after i woke up, I'm Secondary 2.
Time is running fast, you may not know that when you open your eyes
tomorrow, you are maybe 16 years old (seems too old, but it's true) .
Time is running out. When you are ask to do evaxing, dont like: tomorrow
la, next week...
Your next week will continue on... and on...
The Time is NOW! We are no longer young anymore. Next year, maybe some of
us are 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old. Life goes on, you are not forever
Don't wait and wait like as if you have time and chiong when you are older
and later regret.

Do what you can now, so that the generation will NOT END if you done your!
best, God will do the rest. We are no longer young, do what you can, because God
have the best for you.
And fulfil God's commission, which is also our life purpose.

I wrote this when i was 13 years old,
and i'm 16 now, when i saw it, i was like "WHOA" and went speechless.
Hence, i want to encourage you guys, give all out to win your school,
it's not worth to live a life of regret, not worth to re-pioneer the land which we used to conquer it and not worth wasting our time.

What's the one thing which drives you to even give up your everything for that thing?
Similarly, do you have that same passion towards God ?


pen-ned at : 10:03 PM

Sunday, September 20, 2009

You are going to see the special part for unit outing :D
keep your eyes focus from 2:30 onwards.

pen-ned at : 12:42 AM

Friday, September 18, 2009

They always say, the Church is the bride of Jesus.
Why not wife?
I mean, afterall, after being a bride, the bride will be a wife right?

I was reading this book, and I found the answer!
We know the story of Hannah. She has one of the two wives of Elkanah.
Hannah was mentioned first, so she's probably the first wife, probably also due to her barrenness he got himself another wife Peninnah.
Peninnah bore him many children while Hannah remained barren.
Even though Hannah was loved and cared by her husband, there was a hunger stirring in her for more.

4 Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the
meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. 5 But to Hannah he
gave a double portion because he loved her, and the LORD had closed her womb. 6
And because the LORD had closed her womb, her rival kept provoking her in order
to irritate her. 7 This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the
house of the LORD, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. (1
Samuel 1:4-7)

Then the author of the book I'm typing all these from, said, " I believe God closed it (her womb) to create a divine hunger in Hannah, one greater than a child could satsify, the one He could only fulfill."
And Hannah knew that her source of life wasn't her husband but God.
Hannah was a giver, not a taker, year after year she prayed for a son and would even want to dedicate this son to God (1 Samuel 1:11)
I guess you would know that she conceived Samuel(:
Hannah was the bride but Penninah was the wife.

The difference between Hannah and Peninnah:
Hannah : Barren, loved, broken, Godly, self-denying, bride
Penninah: Fruitful, Used, proud, religious, self-seeking, wife

Hannah was broken but she sought God while Peninnah was proud of her offspring and comfortable with the religious. Hannah denied the joy of raising a child in order to give him to the Lord, Peninnah appeared to be concerned only with herself and cared nothing for the feelings of others.
After Samuel, Hannah bore 5 more children while Peninnah had no more.
Hannah's nature and motive were very different from Peninnah's.
Peninnah had comforted herself with the children she had produced. She had been full while Hannah had hungered.

(the book is called Out of control and loving it, by Lisa Bevere, 1996)
If we are always so full, how can we ever be hungry?
Let's be hungry, hungrier, and hungrier for the Word of God (:


pen-ned at : 9:35 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blessings to share!

Firstly, ard 7 am, my friend from the East (Bedok) told me her bus hasn't come yet and she was quite worried. Buses in the east are always looping, then I prayed for her, and she reached school on time! (:
Praise God(:

I had been having family problems these past few days and alot of things and there.
Then on the way home, I just really went to seek God, ranting to God everything, asking Him for help.
Then God said, "We will get through this together." Together
I felt so comforted! Then when I reached home, my dad actually got me porridge from Paya Lebar! And some kueh, then he wanted to give me money to buy pants!
(usually even lunch money he also don't want to give me, aiyo...)
We ate our dinner together and talked in the way I haven't talked to him for ages, since P5 liddat.
He also said he's leaving the country soon for a few days, then he told me he's getting a shirt for me!
He hasn't bought me a shirt since I was P4.

God rocks! (:
Let's praise Him, for He's worthy to be praised and He turned the situation upside down! (:


pen-ned at : 9:16 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

24Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

God spoke to me with this verse today.
I began to wonder, have I really denied myself?

I had been thinking about it in the bus, remembering everything I did.
If Jesus were to stand beside me, would He be happy?
I don't think so.
I went to repent just now, I remembered this thing : JOY
Jesus first
Others second
Yourself last

am I willing to deny myself for God's glory?


pen-ned at : 9:04 PM

Was having a short conversation with Yilin.
What amazed me was she being really sincere in caring for her friend. the thing is that person that she's concern about is not her sheep, but just plainly someone that she's sowing on.
I wonder each time when we sow on our friends are we as hardworking, are we as sincere?

besides that people,
Just something that you might wanna consider to think about.
What are we asking from God?
Its not just about short term things or goals, but some things that is above our reach.
How much are we depending on God
How much are we trusting that God can fulfill it?

I wanna challenge all of Us, To ASK for great things, things that is impossible by us but possible by God. NEVER let your experience limit you on how much you are asking for. Cause prayer request to God is not limited! Let's have a child-like approach, like how we are when we're young. Like asking God to let us play with superman? let us be ultraman?

If you didn't realise there's really lots to think about. A thinking nugget a DAY !
Happy Thinking

Side track a bit!
HAPPY Birthday Vivien lim _ _ _ _ _ _ !!! (fill in the blanks)

- Japheth Tan -

pen-ned at : 12:15 AM

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

David Sentosa asked me this just now. He said " whats the meaning of we can honor our parents without respecting them? "

So what's the difference between honor and respect?

Another random question from Tay XinRu,

Can we influence God?

Let's really reflect and think about and discuss it on saturday if you're really keen about my answer:)

-Japheth Tan -

pen-ned at : 12:02 AM

Monday, September 14, 2009

God blessed me today - NO MATHS REMEDIAL!
so happy arh, then first thing after school I intended to outreach.
Suddenly Brenda messaged me to outreach with her.

We went to outreach at Northpoint.
Guess what? We found 2 girls but they said they were rushing for time, and ran off.
Another 2 girls also said that they were rushing for time, yet they were enjoying food and strolling. -.-"
Everytime when we have alot of contacts, we will brag like, "I've got 11 contacts today!!!"
But who was the one who blessed us with 11 contacts?
So today we only had ONE contact, but we were really grateful.
It's better than none and we don't outreach for contacts but we outreach for God (:
I would rather have 1 contact and a thanksgiving heart then 11 contacts and forget about God and the purpose behind outreaching.

And I'm having some problems at home, but today God spoke to me, that I still have Him.
And during my QT I did 1Kings 19-20, it really brought me to remember how great and powerful God really is.
So what if things are going crush us? We still have God, when we have God, we have everything! (:


pen-ned at : 8:59 PM

Sunday, September 13, 2009


School's reopening alr.
time for lessons to resume, yeh?
abt 3 more weeks to exams, i suppose. -thinks hard-

remember to study hard okay?
it's not only for yourself, it's for God's glory!
be a good example for the people ard you.
i've claim this twice, once here, another time in your study kits.

be a Salt&&Light whether in school, at home or w/ your friends.
show them that having good results doesnt mean, NO to everything.
but show them that serving God, you can also receive good results.

jiayous okay!
go to the "Petrol Station" if you need. {:
refuel yourself w/ God's wisdom, strength&&motivation!

aft exams you can play all you want uh.


pen-ned at : 9:01 PM

Today I missed out the chance to ask my dad for water bap!

Yes, how disappointing!
Because sometimes he doesn't give me money for lunch then today I got really, really, really frustrated, because I also need to photocopy stuffs.
Then I was really angry, then I ask my dad for money.
He looked quite gloomy, I guess was due to some things bothering him.
But being angry, I forgot about water bap!

Now I have to watch for the next opportunity, when my dad seems happier.

I really have to do something about my emotions.


pen-ned at : 7:03 PM

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I was taking a train home with Bernice.
We were in the train and it was around 7+++
Then I was really puzzled, like why 7+++ so dark arh?
It was like 7.10 7.20 liddat but look like 7.40 or 7.50.

I couldn't see a building fully but there were lots of lights brightly lit.
It was like the stars filling the sky (in other countries, apparently Singapore only got super bright street lights)
But when we look at the sky, it's just a black, thick, dark sky. Like what the world is.
But when we become those stars that lit brightly and shine for Jesus, how beautiful the sky would look!

Better yet when everyone comes to know His love!
Everyday was be like a sunny day, no more hiding in the darkness or loneliness.
Let's shine for Jesus!
Let the world know we shine because there's God in our lives!


pen-ned at : 10:04 PM

Enjoy the lotsa craps we made during the Unit Outing (:
please kindly wait for the videos to load..

Part 1 [BingJun's and Daniel's laughter is super ....... -.-" ]


pen-ned at : 8:47 PM

As I was doing my QT yesterday [since it's after 12], God reminded me about this word:


God just asked me one question:

Do you know what's God's calling for you?

i stayed silent, i think about it.
i was shocked by the question.. (Oh my, Vivien, what's my calling??)

Each of us here are called by God for a purpose.
We are here to fulfill this purpose which God designated for us.
as simple as to finish our school.
it's time to take all of us back to the time which God called us,
be it in camps or services or caregroups or prayer meets.
there is no mistake when God plans His purpose for us.

If you do not know what's God's calling for you,
it's time you ask God about it.
because we are here to make a difference in this world we are living in.

Let's don't deny the purpose that God has for us!


pen-ned at : 1:42 AM

who ever said that ppl who are Muslims, and other religion grps, cant be saved?
if God says can, WHO ARE YOU to say cannot? {:
Believers, i CHALLENGE you.

IF you say it's impossible, you are LIMITING God.
which i dont recommend you to do.
dont you EVEREVEREVER dare to limit God.
if you limit God, goodbye, you're a gonecase-er.
Hello?! He is the One who created EVERYTHING.

-He must be Greater, i MUST be Less.


pen-ned at : 1:36 AM

Friday, September 11, 2009

This classmate of mine really amazed me, I mean, it's kind of weird but yup, I found it rather amusing.
She wrote BIG BIG on my tagbox to go tag her blog, can see that she's very very very very desperate for people to tag, because she doesn't want her tagbox to die.

But the thing that amazed me was that she was so desperate!
How desperate are we, for God's Word?
When we were NBs, everything we want to know because we don't know, then when we grow older, you know the basic fundamentals here and there, but where was the hunger? Where did the child-likeness for God go? We were so obedient, everything our leader say, we don't understand we also follow and do our best for God. I was reminded of this during my QT.
What are we now?

How desperate are we for God's Word?
How desperate are we for growth?
How desperate are we for a breakthrough?
How desperate are we for people to know God?
How desperate are we for doing the work of God like our ministries?
How desperate are we in serving God to our very best?

Don't just say you're desperate, ah blah blah blah, who wants to hear your long lecture?
PROVE IT and make everyone shut up and know who's the real God out there!


pen-ned at : 8:41 PM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Think about when we are a new believer, everytime our leaders told us to do something, we will go and do it.Example your leader tell you go outreach everyday and you wil go and do it everyday not thinking about 'is there people over there to outreach.'
but now as we get older we people become a christian that live with facts.Example your leader ask you to go and outreach you will tell her 'that now ah?now hoilday leh no people the.'
how do we know that there is no people?wei keat onces told me this if u know that there is no people that you can be God because you know what going to happen.God works in an expected way.
lets not be christian that live by facts but christian that live by faith.


pen-ned at : 2:05 PM

I'm quite angry at some things, because last night passed curfew but my dad allowed.
Then my maid want to threaten to tell my aunt!
Like it's bad enough whenever I come home pass my curfew she would scold me a prostitute!

But there's also other people suffering because they truly love Jesus out there, and we have to pray for them!
We're brothers and sisters, we should help one another right?
I mean, maybe don't think about me, think about the younger believers, if we don't lend them a helping hand and remind them about how God will make a way out of this, what do you think will happen?

Just face this fact - the world hates Jesus but the world needs Jesus.

And yesterday's sermons at metamorphosis, what was the one thing they repeated the most?
Then why is it that we wait for others to serve us, why aren't we the ones doing something about it?
Why is it that we slack and slack and don't do something about this group to bond the newbelievers in?
Why is it that someone has to do something then we follow?
Why is it that we wait for someone to tell us yet we already know it then we do it?

Then if we bring someone new to the caregroup, they see our caregroup like this, what do you think they'll think?
We'll give Jesus a bad name!
And I don't think God deserves that!

If you are not the one going to do something or intiate something, who will?
In fact, if you don't, you're only going to do 1 thing : harm the caregroup and yourself.


pen-ned at : 10:27 AM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Nice&&random picture, i know.
that's not the point.

Metamorphosis was great. yes it was.

dont call me drama-mama or anything, this is true uh.
when i was worshipping God, i recalled the feeling of having to cross the line of Salvation.
maybe i was too young, i didnt feel anything,
just a little warm fuzzy feeling which felt very good. {:

then i recalled everything that happened.
Vivien wld know -____-!
awkward times okay.
my past just flashed by like that, while worshipping God.
i saw how much i changed and all.

and looking at my state now, i asked myself:
What did I do today that made God smile, Did I give my best? etcetc.
alotalotalot of Qs.
when i was younger in Christ, all i wanted to do is to make God smile&&save people{:
which eventually when i make God smile, i'll be happy. make sense?

but a few minutes aft i recalled the good times.
i rmbed that i once wanted to give up everything (which was v.笨)
veryvery burdened at that time ._______. dont laugh
outta point...okay, lemme get back.

hmm, yes, make God smile, did i do it till today?
i doubt it.
more of, i made God frown.
during the extended P&W, it was heartwarming. :B
at least i know that God is w/ me no matter what happens, i am NOT alone.

For it's also said in the bible that God will NEVER leave us OR abandon us for w.e reasons.
and the bible is true, start obeying it uh, believers. {:

lets see, how long has it been since camp? O.o
abt 3mths?
is the passion still burning to bring ppl to cross the line of Salvation?
the fire inside of me, is dying, i admit.
gonna make it spark up and burn brightly again.
IDONTCARE how hard it takes.
seeing people crossing the line of Salvation makes me smile, ear to ear.
it makes God smile too {:

Be childlike,
NOT childish{:

and yes, thank God for everything {:
start counting your blessings NORTHB!
for God blessed you with everything.
even water. i aint kidding -_-
for God is the Alpha&&Omega. {:
AKA Provider.

i shall start counting my blessings too{:


-I surrender my everything, to You, God

pen-ned at : 11:41 PM

Hey peeps,
Was just thinking about several stuff. that i think you might just wanna think about it as well.
Is it wrong to not have a ministry to serve in?
Is it wrong to just serve purely in the pastoral ministry and not care about other things?

Just to share to you guys out there, as the church grows bigger and bigger. The supporting ministry have to grow big in its size as well. I can't imagine a service without ushers, musicians, media. Although all this are secondary things, but it do make a difference. Like for example, if we don't have musicians, it would not be very easy for us to enter God's presence. Or if not having praise with an acoustic guitar for service.

What I'm trying to say here is, as we serve God in our pastoral groups effectively. We should also think about supporting the church in other ways. Like for example for myself, I serve in media and Y-admin. Vivien serving in intercession, Joan in Vocals. All this are something like school's CCA.

I'm not building youths that is living a life, but youths that is living a purposeful life. Let's all be clear of our Vision, C.I.P, Our calling, Our Identity, Our Purpose. Let's fulfill it!

- Japheth Tan-

pen-ned at : 12:58 AM

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yay woots ! im the first to make a decent post here ;D ! yay me ;D thats not then point [;

anyway.. had my SS GCE' N level today.. when the cheif examiner says 'u may start the paper' then i flip straight to the end of the paper to see whats the essay question .. to my surprise, none of the questions is the come i read for so long -.- so i thought 'oh shit,gg liao' my friend de teacher mr vincent tan, says that study northern ireland and srilanka and D&D can le and those who wants to fail study healthcare and gobalisation then those two he said would not come out came out LOL ! its so ROFL D;< ! Lesson learned is to listen to your own teacher who happends to be HOD of humanities D; .

As i continue to do my source base questions.. also thinking about what to do witht he essay questions which is irritating D;< ! when i do till the essay questions, i prayed to God that he will give wisdom and to put words into me to write it down as answer x.x.. Well.. i started writing things i didnt know/suddenly remenbered and able to finish the paper ..;D
God rocks woo ! ;D

God bless to those taking exams and etc. ;D
by Potato aka kKk-.-xkn|ghT! aka teckshuean ;D !

pen-ned at : 9:27 PM

We Are

North B

Calling: I won't deny it
Identity: I won't hide
Purpose: I will fulfil


Affirm here, crap below :D


Crap here, affirm above :D


Aloysius Bing Jun Crystal Cyril Daniel Janice Joan Kah Hoe Kah Min Min Li Sean Shi Yun Si Chen Teck Shuean Vanessa Vivien North C


August 2009 September 2009 October 2009